Donations: Cash donations are always welcome and a tax receipt will be issued for donations in excess of $25. From time to time, Infant Plus may post a wish-list of items that can also be donated. Please use the button below to make a donation. Thank you!
Thrifty Foods Smile Card program: Thrifty Foods will donate 5% of the amount loaded on to Smile Cards linked to JBCCS. There is absolutely no cost to you. Cards are available through the Director.
Acknowledgments: We gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia, Thrifty Foods, and private donors. We also value the donations of goods and services from several businesses in the community including our Silent Auction donors. Thank you!
As a non-profit registered charity (#118972694RR0001), JBCCS operates with funds from a Government of British Colombia gaming grant, monthly child care fees and additional funds raised by our parents and volunteers through activities.
As a non-profit registered charity (#118972694RR0001), JBCCS operates with funds from a Government of British Colombia gaming grant, monthly child care fees and additional funds raised by our parents and volunteers through activities.